
Bio-Aqua is a Danish company specialized in delivering water treatment solutions to the industry. On our homepage you can find information about our products and solutions. The core of Bio-Aqua is a solid knowledge about water treatment. From the beginning the focus has been on producing simple, effective and environmental friendly solutions for treatment of water and air. Some of our equipment we construct ourselves, some is bought from suppliers; therefore our final delivery to customers is not dependent on what’s on the shelf, but purely on what fulfil the customers goals the best way.

The core team

Erik Jürgensen


Erik has extensive experience in water and wastewater treatment has been working in the industry for over 30 years.

Special skills: Process design, and design of equipment. Has filed 3 patents on wastewater technology.

Kaspar Jürgensen

Product Development Engineer

Kaspar is a product development engineer with experience in 3D modeling and product design, manufacturing, electronics and software development.

Special skills: CAD, CAM, Electronics and Systems engineering.